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Gift Card Acceptance

Cynergy Data Systems can turn your terminal into a money-making machine by offering Gift Card programs to your customers. Gift Cards keep customers coming back and they often spend more than what’s on the card. Plus Gift Cards help simplify managing store credits and can help combat fraud by keeping your cash in your store.

Loyalty Program

Loyalty Card programs are another great way to boost sales

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. You can offer free products, dollar discounts or a percentage off future purchases, all of which will entice customers to keep coming back. When you reward your customers for returning and making purchases, customer loyalty and profits rise. Cynergy Data Systems makes it easy and affordable to offer Loyalty Card programs to your customers.

Cash AdvanceCash Advance

With a cash advance from Cynergy Data Systems, your business gets the money it needs to take full advantage of growth opportunities. This is not a loan, but an advance on future sales. The advance will be paid back via a small, agreed-upon percentage of daily credit card transactions. All the business has to do is keep doing business as usual. No fixed payment schedule, no restrictions, no collateral, no bank fees – just the cash your business needs.

Merchant Advantage Program

Because we value our new merchants, we automatically enroll them in our Merchant Advantage program to provide even more savings and service right from the start. This program is normally $9.95 per month, but new merchants get to try it FREE for three months!


  • Overnight replacement of defective processing terminals
  • Automatic terminal supply replenishment program – shipped FREE of charge
  • 24/7 instant access to your transaction data via our Online Account Access service
  • FedEx Advantage® program with savings up to 25% on shipping and business services
  • Valuable discounts on Dell computer equipment, supplies from Office Depot and email marketing from iContact

Check AcceptanceCheck Acceptance

Customers who want to write checks are no problem. With our Check Conversion and Guarantee service, you can accept checks just like credit cards. Checks are converted into electronic deposits, so the payments go directly into your bank account, just like your credit card funds.

And, with our Check Guarantee Service, we guarantee payment on every check you process and accept. So, you won’t have to worry if a check is good and lose a sale.