Point-of-Sale Technology

Whether you work for a multi-national, large restaurant chain or a small coffee shop around the corner, running a successful business comes down to controlling costs and delivering a great experience. It starts with having a flexible point-of-sale system at the core of your technology solution that helps you keep your business running, your reports accurate and your customers happy. We have a portfolio of POS solutions, including hardware and software, which are used by over 100,000 restaurants of all shapes and sizes.


NCR Silver Pro

NCR Silver Pro

Perfect for small and specialty businesses, NCR Silver Pro is a cloud-based POS solution that will help you manage and grow your business. We took the decades of experience we have in the restaurant industry and built a powerful, but simple-to-use POS solution to support restaurants with simplified operations that are underserved by technology today. Designed to run on the iPad and the iPad Mini, NCR Silver Pro can help you become more efficient, grow your sales and increase your profitability.

Perform transactions with ease

Taking orders and ringing up sales from this point-of-sale app is optimized for different types of venues, including table service, quick service, bars and fast casual restaurants. The important functions, like modifiers, kitchen printing, takeout and delivery, or tip distribution, are all here but simplified to get your restaurant up-and-running in no time.

Take your restaurant with you wherever you go

Since it’s a cloud-based POS, you can access your restaurant’s business metrics and reports securely from anywhere with direct access to all of your most important information.

Grow your business through email and social marketing

Bring a unique customer experience to life using creative templates for social media and email marketing to increase sales and connect with your customers digitally. With the ability to track customer behavior and send personalized promotions and large scale campaigns, you’ll learn more about your customers, gain new ones and turn your repeat customers into your biggest fans.

Implement NCR Silver Pro quickly

With a low cost of entry and quick, professional implementation support, you will be able to get up and running quickly

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. NCR Silver Pro Restaurant Edition is easy to set up and is available as a subscription service.