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Establishing a merchant account with us is fast and affordable. Our professional staff will set you up to accept and process all major credit, debit and EBT cards. Funds will be deposited into your account within 48 hours, reducing risk and enhancing your ability to manage your cash flow. [Read More >>]
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You can enjoy the effectiveness of a physical credit card terminal but in a faster and more streamlined way with this solution. Use a virtual terminal to run your transactions on a website, or enter the world of eCommerce by connecting your site to online shopping carts. [Read More >>]
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At Total Merchant Services, we’re always looking for ways to help you enhance your sales. This includes everything from helping you to accept gift cards or loyalty cards, creating a merchant advantage program, and check acceptance assurance. When it comes to processing payments for your business, no matter what your problem, we have a solution. [Read More >>]